In this section
Create job
Creates a job.
Delete RBA category
Deletes an RBA category.
Categories are only deleted when no scripts exist in that category (or related child categories).
Get job types list
Gets the list of job types.
Get output logs
Gets paginated output logs of a script.
Get tenant jobs list
Gets the list of jobs defined by a tenant.
This endpoint can be used to fetch the paginated list of the scheduled jobs of a partner or client.
Manage jobs
Gets, update, and delete the jobs.
Manage RBA categories
Creates and updates an RBA category and gets a list of RBA categories.
Manage scripts
Creates and deletes a script and gets a list of scripts for a category.
Manage scripts by ID
Gets and update the details of a script.
Run a script
Runs a script.
Define scripts as code that can run commonly-run tasks. This endpoint can be used to run an existing job script.
Run scheduled job
Runs a scheduled job.