Path Parameters
Child Parameters
- depEvent.depEndPointURI
- depEvent.headers
- depEvent.payload
- depEvent.responseHeaders
Entity on which an action is performed. Supported entities include: Service Desk INCIDENT SERVICEREQUEST CHANGE PROBLEM TASK Resource Alert ALERT (used only when eventType is selected as NONE)
Type of action performed on the entity. Supported values include: NONE (Used to invoke external integration through process workflow), CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE
(Optional) Filter entities on which the event is added to the rules:
Child Parameters
- filterCriteria.actions
- filterCriteria.id
- filterCriteria.matchType
- Match All or Any of the rules.
- filterCriteria.name
- filterCriteria.rules
- Rules to filter the entities:
Name of the Integration event.
The fields are required unless specific to an `authType`.
Child Parameters
- notifier.accessTokenURL
- Access Token URL: Mandatory if authType is OAUTH2.
- notifier.apiKey
- API Key: Mandatory if authType is OAUTH2.
- notifier.apiSecret
- API Secret: Mandatory if authType is OAUTH2.
- notifier.authType
- Authentication type.
- notifier.baseURI
- notifier.grantType
- Grant type for notification.
- notifier.password
- Password: Mandatory when authType is OAUTH2 and grantType is PASSWORD/REFRESH_TOKEN.
- notifier.resourceAuthHeaders
- (JWT only) Authorization header for resource calls.
- notifier.tokenHeaders
- (JWT only) Headers to request the token.
- notifier.tokenPayload
- (JWT only) Payload for the token.
- notifier.tokenURL
- (JWT only) Access token URI.
- notifier.tokensPath
- (JWT only) Token path in the response of the authentication REST call.
- notifier.type
- Notification type.
- notifier.userName
- Username: Mandatory when authType is OAUTH2 and grantType is PASSWORD/REFRESH_TOKEN.
(Optional) Third-party integration event payload. Provide the third-party payload with OpsRamp placeholders to integrate the event between OpsRamp and third-party: - To get OpsRamp tokens, use refer to the Get Integration Event Placeholders API. - Convert the payload to base 64 and provide the file in the field file in the below sample request.
Type of action performed on the entity.Supported Values: POST, PUT, GET, DELETE, and PATCH
(Optional) Notification details to trigger events defined. To configure integration base notifier: - Provide useBaseNotifier: true to assign the notifier details to the event. - Provide useBaseNotifier: false to assign different notifier details
"endPointURI": "www.google.com/update",
"entity": "INCIDENT",
"eventType": "CREATE",
"headers": [
"key": "accept",
"value": "application/json"
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"name": "Create event",
"notifier": {
"authType": "OAUTH2",
"baseURI": "www.google.com",
"password": "test",
"type": "SOAP_API",
"userName": "testUser"
"payload": "ew0KInN1YmplY3QiOiIkaW5jaWRlbnQuc3ViamVjdCIsDQoiZGVzY3JpcHRpb24iOiIkaW5jaWRlbnQuaW1wYWN0IiwNCiJwcmlvcml0eSI6IiRpbmNpZGVudC5wcmlvcml0eS5uYW1lIg0KInN0YXV0cyI6ImhpZ2giDQp9",
"thirdPartyEventType": "POST"
"endPointURI": "www.google.com/update",
"entity": "ALERT",
"eventType": "CREATE",
"headers": [
"key": "accept",
"value": "application/json"
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"name": "Alert event test",
"notifier": {
"authType": "OAUTH2",
"baseURI": "www.google.com",
"password": "test",
"type": "SOAP_API",
"userName": "testUser"
"thirdPartyEventType": "POST"
"endPointURI": "www.google.com/update",
"entity": "INCIDENT",
"eventType": "CREATE",
"filterCriteria": {
"matchType": "ANY",
"rules": [
"key": "Subject",
"operator": "Contains",
"resourceType": "INCIDENT",
"value": "test"
"key": "Description",
"operator": "Contains",
"resourceType": "INCIDENT",
"value": "testing"
"headers": [
"key": "accept",
"value": "application/json"
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"name": "Create event with policy",
"notifier": {
"authType": "OAUTH2",
"baseURI": "www.google.com",
"password": "test",
"type": "SOAP_API",
"userName": "testUser"
"payload": "ew0KInN1YmplY3QiOiIkaW5jaWRlbnQuc3ViamVjdCIsDQoiZGVzY3JpcHRpb24iOiIkaW5jaWRlbnQuaW1wYWN0IiwNCiJwcmlvcml0eSI6IiRpbmNpZGVudC5wcmlvcml0eS5uYW1lIg0KInN0YXV0cyI6ImhpZ2giDQp9",
"thirdPartyEventType": "POST"
"entity": "INCIDENT",
"eventPayload": "{\r\n'subject':'$incident.subject',\r\n'description':'$incident.impact',\r\n'priority':'$incident.priority.name'\r\n}",
"headers": [
"key": "accept",
"value": "application/json"
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"id": "INTG-EVENT-debdf8a2-6986-4398-adfc-e50b185d049a",
"name": "Create event",
"notifier": {
"authType": "OAUTH2",
"baseURI": "www.google.com/update",
"userName": "testUser"
"entity": "ALERT",
"eventPayload": "{\n\t'serviceName':'$alert.serviceName',\n\t'resource':{\n\t\t'id':'$alert.resourceId'\n\t},\n\t'subject':'$alert.subject',\n 'currentState':'$alert.currentState',\n\t'app':'OPSRAMP'\n}",
"headers": [
"key": "accept",
"value": "application/json"
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"id": "INTG-EVENT-61301956-5a04-405e-9ee1-03f62595ca05",
"name": "Alert event test",
"notifier": {
"authType": "OAUTH2",
"baseURI": "www.google.com/update",
"userName": "testUser"
"thirdPartyEventType": "POST"
"entity": "INCIDENT",
"eventPayload": "{\r\n'subject':'$incident.subject',\r\n'description':'$incident.impact',\r\n'priority':'$incident.priority.name'\r\n'stauts':'high'\r\n}",
"filterCriteria": {
"actions": [],
"id": 140,
"matchType": "ALL",
"name": "Create event with policy",
"rules": [
"id": 579,
"key": "Subject",
"operator": "Contains",
"resourceType": "INCIDENT",
"value": "test"
"id": 580,
"key": "Description",
"operator": "Contains",
"resourceType": "INCIDENT",
"value": "testing"
"headers": [
"key": "accept",
"value": "application/json"
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"id": "INTG-EVENT-717000e9-bc95-4339-adf7-db7a43db2580",
"name": "Create event with policy",
"notifier": {
"authType": "OAUTH2",
"baseURI": "www.google.com/update",
"userName": "testUser"