In this section

Change WSUS settings

The endpoint to assign agent policy for resources.

Create and update device groups

Creates and updates device groups.

Update Group

Updates the details of a device group with one of these actions:

  • Rename a device group
  • Change the set of devices residing in a device group
  • Change knowledge base articles assigned to a device group
  • Add a device group as a child under an existing device group (the parent)

Add a device group as a child in an existing device group

The existing device group becomes the parent of the child device group.

Create generic resource

Creates a generic resource.

Resource Types Supported

  • Generic
  • DNS
  • FTP
  • HTTP Basic
  • HTTP OAuth2
  • HTTPS Basic
  • HTTPS OAuth2
  • IMAP
  • PING
  • POP3
  • SMTP
  • SSL
  • TCP
  • UDP

Different fields are mandatory for different resource types. Refer to the examples.

Create or update service group

Creates or updates a service group.

Use this API to create a parent (root level) service group.

This API can perform the following actions on a service group:

  1. Create a service group
  2. Rename a service group
  3. Add set of services to a service group
  4. Change knowledge base articles assigned to a service group
  5. Add a service group as child to a parent service group

Create resource note

Creates a resource note.

Create site

Creates a site to organize devices based on location.

Create tenant custom attribute type and values

Creates a tenant custom attribute type and the list of values

Decommission a resource

Decommissions a resource.

Delete resource by resource type

Deletes a resource based on resource type.

Enable and disable client resource decommission

Enables and disables resource decommission at partner level.

Get and delete device management policy

The endpoint is used to get device management policy details and unassign agent policy for resources.

Get child resources and device groups

Gets the child resources or child device groups within a parent device group.

Get child resources and service groups

Gets the child entities (resources or service groups) of a parent service group.

Get client custom attributes

Gets client custom attributes.

Get decommissioned resource data

Gets the data of a decommissioned resource.

Get device custom attributes of a device

Gets device custom attributes.

Get latest antivirus definitions on resources

Gets the latest antivirus definitions installed on resources.

Query Variables
Query VariablesValuesDescription
Antivirus definition status on a resource.
Example: UPTODATE.

There are special characters that can be used in a query string:

  • (+) represents the next field and must be URL-encoded.
  • (:) represents equals. An example is key : value.
  • Space characters must be URL-encoded.
  • Date format must be yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).

Get minimal details of device groups

Gets minimal details of device groups.

Get minimal details of service groups

Gets minimal details (including service group ID and name) of service groups.

Get minimal resource details

Gets minimal resource details.

Query VariablesDescription
hostNameName of the host.
dnsNameDomain service name.
resourceNameName of the resource.
aliasNameOther name of resource.
idResource unique ID.
Example: d5bce6fe-d19f-4ad7-8c50-5f639f2dd321
serialNumberResource serial number.
Example: d7bce6fe-d19f-4ad7-8c50-2f639f2dd778
ipAddressResource IP address.
systemUIDSystem Unique ID.
stateResource state supported values: active, inactive, discovered, all. Filter devices based on the device state.
Example: discovered
Example: DEVICE
deviceTypeFilter resources based on device type. This parameter is required if the resource type is a device. Use Get Device Types API to get the names of supported device types. Enumerate multiple device type names with comma-separated strings.
Example: Windows, Linux
resourceTypeFilter resources based on a resource type. Use Get Device Types API to get a list of supported resource types supported by OpsRamp. Enumerate multiple resource types with comma-separated strings.
startCreationDateIndicates the date to search the creation date of a resource. Start indicates from date.
Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00 0000
endCreationDateIndicates the date to search for the last date of resource creation. End indicates to date.
Example: 2017-01-31T00:00:00 0000
startUpdationDateSearch for a resource updated within a specific duration. Start indicates from date.
Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00 0000
endUpdationDateSearch for a resource updated within a specific duration. End indicates to date.
Example: 2017-01-31T00:00:00 0000
tagsCustom attribute tag names. Enumerate multiple tags, by separating each tag with a comma.
Example: Admin
templateMonitoring template ID used to get the list of devices assigned on a particular template.
agentProfileAgent profile ID.
gatewayProfileGateway profile ID.
instanceIdCloud instance ID.
accountNumberCloud provider’s account number.
Example: 290642135901
installedIntgIdInstalled integration ID.
Example: INTG-6dcbc22c-5436-5eb8-5e7c-8db0319938a4
agentInstalledFilter for agent-installed resources:
- agentInstalled: true gets agent-installed resources.
- agentInstalled: false gets non-agent resources.
Example: true
deviceGroupFetch resources that are part of a specific device/child group. Provide a device group name.
Example: Windows Servers
serviceGroupFetch resources that are part of a specific service group. Provide service group name.
Example: Admin Group
deviceLocationFetch resources that are at a specific location. Provide a location name.
Example: West-SJ
isEqualsTo search for the exact match of a variable.
- isEquals: true , to search for the exact match of a variable.
- isEquals: false to search for a similar match of a variable.
For example, to fetch list of resources in location West Valley and resource group, provide the query variable respectively as:
- deviceLocation: West Valley%2BisEquals: true
- deviceGroup: Windows Servers%2BisEquals:true
Note: This is an optional parameter for deviceGroup/deviceLocation/serviceGroup
assetManagedTimeThe most recent time a resource is managed. The asset managed time gets updated whenever a resource is managed or unmanaged.
Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00 0000
firstAssetManagedTimeThe first time a resource is managed.
Example: 2017-01-31T00:00:00 0000
appRolesFilter for resources based on applications running on the resources.List of supported applications:

There are special characters that can be used in a query string:

  • (+) represents the next field and must be URL-encoded.
  • (:) represents equals. An example is key : value.
  • Space characters must be URL-encoded.
  • Date format must be yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).

Get minimal resource type details

Gets minimal resource type details.

Get minimal site details

Gets minimal details of sites.

Get private locations for synthetics

Gets private locations for the synthetics.

Get public locations for synthetics

Gets public locations for the synthetics.

Get resource applications

Gets the list of applications running on a resource.

Get resource availability

Gets the availability details of a resource within a specific time frame.

To view availability of a resource within a given time frame, provide the start time and end time.

  • State 0 indicates the status of resource is down.
  • State 4 indicates the status of resource is unknown.

Get root level device groups

Gets the root level device groups.

Get root-level service groups

Gets root-level, parent service groups.

Get service availability

Gets availability details of a service.

Get service group custom attributes

Gets service group custom attributes.

Get topology data by relationships

Gets topology data by providing relationship information about resources.

Topology relationships provide operators and administrators with the background for troubleshooting, capacity planning, and architecture review. This API gets these relationships that exist across the hybrid infrastructure. Topology data can be retrieved one-level away from the resource (nearest neighbor).

Get warranties

Gets the details of multiple device warranties.

Link service group

Links or shares an existing service group with other service groups.

Manage child resource for service group

Assigns and unassigns child resources for a service group.

Manage child resources for device groups

Assigns and unassigns a child resources for device groups.

Manage client custom attributes

Assigns and unassigns client custom attributes.

Manage custom attributes for devices

Assigns and unassigns custom attributes for devices

Manage custom attributes for service groups

Assigns and unassigns custom attributes for service groups

Manage device groups

Gets device group details and delete sdevice groups.

Manage device management policy

Creates and updates device management policies, and gets tenant device management policies, without pagination.

Manage device warranty

Creates a device warranty and gets device warranty details.

Manage resource availability rule

Updates and gets the availability rule defined on a resource.

Manage resource dependency

Creates, gets, and deletes resource dependency.

Manage resources

Gets resource information, update resource details, and delete a resource using a resource ID.

Manage service group

Gets and delete service groups.

Manage site

Updates and gets site details, and deletes a site.

Manage tenant custom attributes

Updates, gets, and deletes tenant custom attributes.

Run device management policy

Runs a device management policy.

Search assigned entities by attribute

Searches for the assigned entities by attribute.

Query Variables
Query VariablesDescription
idThe attribute ID.
valueCustom attribute value.
sourceFilter with tagSource

Search decommissioned resources

Gets the list of decommissioned resources.

Notes There are special characters that can be used in a query string:

  • (+) represents the next field and must be URL-encoded.
  • (:) represents equals. An example is key : value.
  • Space characters must be URL-encoded.
  • Date format must be yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).
Query Variables
Query VariablesDescription
idResource ID.
Example: d7bce6fe-d19f-4ad7-8c50-2f639f2dd778
stateResource state.Supported value: DECOMMISSIONED
hostNameResource host name.
Example: SJKT1212
ipAddressResource IP Address.
instanceIdCloud instance ID.
tagsAdditional information of a resource, preferably, a custom attribute name.
startDateSearch for resources decommissioned within a specific duration. startDate indicates the from date. For example, to fetch list resources decommissioned between 14th Aug 2018 to 18th Aug 2018, provide startDate as 2018-08-14T10:20:20 0000 and endDate as 2018-08-18T12:10:20 0000Note: Date format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).
endDateSearch for resources decommissioned within a specific duration. endDate indicates the to date.Note: Date format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).
typeResource type.
Example: DEVICE
accountNumberInstance account number. This varies for each provider:
- AWS: Account number
- Azure: Subscription ID
- Google: Project ID
providerCloud provider name.
Example: AWS
ownerOwner ID.
Example: 23422135901
instanceTypeCloud instance type.
instanceStateCloud instance state.Supported Value: DECOMMISSIONED
zoneZone name in which instance is located.
Example: virgina-east
regionGeographical location in which instance is located.
Example: US-EAST
amiAmazon Machine image.
hostedServiceNameDomain role.
startLaunchDateSearch for decommissioned cloud instances launched within a specific duration.Provide from date.
Example: 2018-07-11T10:05:20 0000
endLaunchDateSearch for decommissioned cloud instances launched within a specific duration.Provide to date.
Example: 2018-08-20T11:10:20 0000

Search device management policy

Searches for a device management policy with a policy name.

Search resource notes

Gets the latest antivirus definitions installed on resources.

Query Variables
Query VariablesDescription
searchWordSearch with a unique word provided in the resource note.
startCreationDateSearch for the resource note created within a duration. startCreationDate indicates the from date.
endCreationDateSearch for the resource note created within a duration. endCreationDate indicates the to date.
startUpdationDateSearch for the resource note created within a duration. startUpdationDate indicates the from date.
endUpdationDateSearch for the resource note created within a duration. endUpdationDate indicates the to date.
idResource ID

There are special characters that can be used in a query string:

  • (+) represents the next field and must be URL-encoded.
  • (:) represents equals. An example is key : value.
  • Space characters must be URL-encoded.
  • Date format must be yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).

Search resources

Gets the resources of a partner or a client.

Query Variables
Query VariablesDescription
hostNameName of the host.
dnsNameDomain service name.
resourceNameName of the resource.
aliasNameOther name of resource.
idResource unique ID.
Example: d5bce6fe-d19f-4ad7-8c50-5f639f2dd321
serialNumberResource serial number.
Example: d7bce6fe-d19f-4ad7-8c50-2f639f2dd778
ipAddressResource IP address.
systemUIDSystem Unique ID.
stateResource state supported values: active, inactive, discovered, all. Filter devices based on the device state.
Example: discovered
Example: DEVICE
deviceTypeFilter resources based on device type. This parameter is required if the resource type is a device. Use Get Device Types API to get the names of supported device types. Enumerate multiple device type names with comma-separated strings.
Example: Windows, Linux
resourceTypeFilter resources based on a resource type. Use Get Device Types API to get a list of supported resource types supported by OpsRamp. Enumerate multiple resource types with comma-separated strings.
startCreationDateIndicates the date to search the creation date of a resource. Start indicates from date.
Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00 0000
endCreationDateIndicates the date to search for the last date of resource creation. End indicates to date.
Example: 2017-01-31T00:00:00 0000
startUpdationDateSearch for a resource updated within a specific duration. Start indicates from date.
Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00 0000
endUpdationDateSearch for a resource updated within a specific duration. End indicates to date.
Example: 2017-01-31T00:00:00 0000
tagsCustom attribute tag names. Enumerate multiple tags, by separating each tag with a comma.
Example: Admin
templateMonitoring template ID used to get the list of devices assigned on a particular template.
agentProfileAgent profile ID.
gatewayProfileGateway profile ID.
instanceIdCloud instance ID.
accountNumberCloud provider’s account number.
Example: 290642135901
installedIntgIdInstalled integration ID.
Example: INTG-6dcbc22c-5436-5eb8-5e7c-8db0319938a4
agentInstalledFilter for agent-installed resources:
- agentInstalled: true gets agent-installed resources.
- agentInstalled: false gets non-agent resources.
Example: true
deviceGroupFetch resources that are part of a specific device/child group. Provide a device group name.
Example: Windows Servers
serviceGroupFetch resources that are part of a specific service group. Provide service group name.
Example: Admin Group
deviceLocationFetch resources that are at a specific location. Provide a location name.
Example: West-SJ
isEqualsTo search for the exact match of a variable.
- isEquals: true , to search for the exact match of a variable.
- isEquals: false to search for a similar match of a variable.
For example, to fetch list of resources in location West Valley and resource group, provide the query variable respectively as:
- deviceLocation: West Valley%2BisEquals: true
- deviceGroup: Windows Servers%2BisEquals:true
Note: This is an optional parameter for deviceGroup/deviceLocation/serviceGroup
assetManagedTimeThe most recent time a resource is managed. The asset managed time gets updated whenever a resource is managed or unmanaged.
Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00 0000
firstAssetManagedTimeThe first time a resource is managed.
Example: 2017-01-31T00:00:00 0000
aliasIpAlias IP address of the network you have.
appRolesFilter for resources based on applications running on the resources.List of supported applications:

There are special characters that can be used in a query string:

  • (+) represents the next field and must be URL-encoded.
  • (:) represents equals. An example is key : value.
  • Space characters must be URL-encoded.
  • Date format must be yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).

Search sites

Searches sites.

Query Variables
Query VariablesDescription
idSite unique id.
nameSite name.
parentIdParent side ID.

There are special characters that can be used in a query string:

  • (+) represents the next field and must be URL-encoded.
  • (:) represents equals. An example is key : value.

Search tenant custom attribute types and values

Searches for tenant custom attribute types and respective values.

Unlink child service group

Unlinks a child service group from a parent service group.

Update custom attribute value description

Updates a custom attribute value description.

Update resource note

Updates a resource note.